So, you’ve decided to travel with your kids and thought you’d have them learn from the great big world around them and homeschool as you go. Great! Your kids are in for a rich, learning adventure. Know up front that you can totally do this! [Read more…]
Field Trip to Gruyères
Within our first weeks in Switzerland, we gathered the kids and headed to the town of Gruyères (I have no idea why the town has an “s” at the end while the district of Gruyère and their cheese does not). We wanted to see how one of the best cheeses in the world is made, and of course to sample the first fondue of our three-month stay. What better place to do that than Gruyères? [Read more…]
Online Resources for Kids
In our homeschooling adventures, we don’t really use a set curriculum or any workbooks. Instead, we rely mostly on the many wonderful educational programs available through the Internet, for either free or for a very low cost. [Read more…]